Principle 3. Limited ScopeWe may not ascribe statements or assertions to a biblical author which lie outside his intended scope.
Interpreting Scripture
What do we mean by 'limited scope'?Some people imagine that every sentence in an inspired text is an absolute statement. However, that is not true. Sacred Scripture uses ordinary human language, and our everyday speech and writing is full of queries, half-finished thoughts, exaggerations and emotional reflections on reality. Can God inspire a probable statement, a doubtful remark or a mere opinion? The answer is: yes. And: God affirms no more nor less than what is affirmed by the human authors. In other words: if the human author asserts a doubtful statement, Gods inspiration will not change the nature of the assertion. It will remain an inspired, yet doubtful remark!
It is Saint Paul who provides us with a classical proof. Speaking with great indignation he says to the Corinthians:
We can follow Pauls thought. With some vehemence he states that he baptized no one except Crispus and Gaius (statement A). It then comes to his mind that he also baptized Stephanas family (statement B). He ends up expressing his mind as in doubt: I do not know whether I baptized anyone else (statement C). It is a really human way of speaking. All three statements have to be read together, since the second and third correct the first one. Moreover, the sumtotal of the three statements remains a doubt. Does the fact of the texts inspiration change this human aspect? Does it make a dogma of each of these statements? Does it turn the doubt into a certainly? Of course it doesnt! Pauls basic affirmation is that it does not matter how many people he baptized, because the important thing is that they were all baptized in Jesus name: this basic affirmation with all nuances is what he actually asserted by the Holy Spirit! Human statements are limited in scope. They have a variety of purposes which limits the extent of what the author really wants to say. It is important to recognise such limitations. |
An example from the Old TestamentThe author of Kohelet wrestles with a real problem: What is the purpose of life? What gain have we human beings from all the toil and strain with which we toil beneath the sun? (Kohelet 2,22). It is a theme repeated over and over again by the author. Life stands before him as one great question mark: Who knows what is good for human beings while they live the few days of their flimsy life, which passes like a shadow? (Kohelet 6/12). Kohelet even raises questions about life after death:
The author does not succeed in finding a complete answer to his question. He affirms faith in God who will punish the wicked and reward the good (Kohelet 8/12; 12/1; etc), but his problem as to the ultimate purpose of this hard life of human beings remains! What to make of this inspired book ? The answer is simple. God inspired a philosopher, a thinker, not to make statements but to raise questions. It was his task to make his contemporaries think, to make them realize that indeed suffering and death are - humanly speaking - insoluble riddles. It was only the revelation and redemption brought by Jesus Christ that would provide Gods solution to these problems. Inspiration followed the nature of the book inspired: the author meant to put his finger on a problem without providing a full solution. God inspired him to do precisely that much and nothing more. |
The limited scope of Jesus' words and deedsIn the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus states: A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho ..." Luke 10/30
Jesus says: The Son of Man has no stone to lay his head on. Matthew 8,19
Jesus stated: Do not call yourself teacher, for you have one Teacher and you are all brothers and sisters. Call no man father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Matthew 23,8-9
I tell you, do not take any oaths . . . . Let what you say be simply Yes or No. Matthew 5,33-37
Do not offer resistance to violence. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other too. Matthew 5,38-41
Jesus' statements often have a limited scope. They should not be interpreted to include more than he wanted to say, but according to the meaning he intended. |
Case study: did Jesus endorse slavery?In the Gospel of Luke we read the following parable:
The keeping of slaves was endorsed by theologians and church authorities alike on the basis of scripture texts like the parable in Luke. For the involvement of the teaching authority, see here. In 1866 the Holy Office (precurson of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) declared in an instruction signed by Pope Pius IX:
The decision was, among other texts, based on Jesus' presumed teaching in Luke 17,7-10. But did Jesus intend to endorse slavery? To begin with, see this video:
For a more detailed explanation, read this document. After completing the case study, please, return to this lesson. |
Exercise: Jesus did not choose a woman among the apostlesThe Gospels tell us that Jesus chose twelve men to become leaders in his movement. There was not a single woman among them.
The Congregation of Doctrine in Rome and Pope John Paul II have repeatedly stated that, in choosing only men, Jesus laid down a perpetual norm that cannot be broken. Therefore, they state, only men cannot be admitted to ordained ministries.
Try, if you can, to answer these questions:
Go to the next
lesson: We have to take full account of literary forms. |
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CreditsThe texts in our course Interpreting Scripture Correctly were written by John Wijngaards in 2009. Part of the contents is based on his earlier publications, in particular:
Illustrations in the video clip by Jackie Clackson. |